Member Garden Tours have commenced for the season! Again this year we will be touring members gardens throughout the Spring, Summer and into the Fall, allowing you many opportunities to mingle with members and view a variety of gardens.
First up on the Member Garden Tours is Kerry Bernard's garden. Kerry's space has been a work in progress for 19 years; trial and error, successes and flops, and, quite literally, blood sweat and tears. She has dogs and chickens, so that adds to the challenge. She has created distinct spaces for enjoyment depending on the activity, time of day and season. Her garden is a combination of native and cultivated trees, shrubs and perennials with the focus on attracting pollinators and hummingbirds. She credit's Lizza and Steve Smith for promoting native species and she has found great success with them so far.Come check out her garden!
This is a Member Only Event. If you are interested in becoming a member, check out the 'Get Involved' page for more info.