Gardening Resources
Check out some of these helpful free reference materials, gathered from our members as well as other organizations. There's also a wealth of free information available in the form of online articles and videos.
Plant information & gardening how-tos
ASPCA's searchable database of plants harmful to cats, dogs, and/or horses
Ecological Landscaping Alliance’s library of educational videos and garden tours
Fruition Seeds’ library of reference materials and recorded webinars
Guide to Caring for Bare Root Plants — Our many thanks to Carolyn Wirth!
Native Plant Trust's GoBotany New England Plant Identification Tool
New England Wildflower Society: Tough Plants for Tough Spots
Penn State Extension’s vast video library on plants and gardening — There are over 900 videos here, so use the menu on the left, or the search bar, to narrow the selections; also note that there are webinars at the end of the catalog that are NOT free.
Toni Gattone’s video library on adaptive gardening for seniors or those with limited mobility
Tutorial for Making A Garden Scarf to help protect plants in freezing temperatures
UMass Amherst’s presentation on logistics and best practices for starting a seed library
University of CA Extension’s cheat-sheet of veggie germination temperatures
University of CA IPM’s library of videos on managing garden pests
Weston Nurseries information, guidelines and garden designs using Native Plants
Supporting wildlife & ecosystems
Native Pollinator Task Force short guide to Gardening for Pollinators
Dr. Neil Pederson’s handout on Climate Forward Trees for Maynard’s Downtown Arboretum
Kent Wildlife Trust’s library of articles and downloadable guides on using gardens to support wildlife
MA Dept of Environmental Protection’s guide to vermicomposting (composting with worms)
Metrowest Conservation Alliance’s Pollination Preservation Garden Toolkit
National Wildlife Federation’s Garden for Wildlife Garden Certification Walk-through Checklist
Penn State Extension’s vast video library of on nature conservation and sustainable gardening — There are over 900 videos here, so use the menu on the left, or the search bar, to narrow the selections; also note that there are webinars at the end of the catalog that are NOT free.