Get Involved

We have an open and diverse membership that includes experienced and beginning gardeners, community activists, horticulturists (professional and amateur), environmentalists, artists, and others. Group initiatives are driven by individual members stepping into leadership roles.

Our meetings are held on the first Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM over Zoom. A link is sent to members a week before the meeting.

Benefits of Club Membership

Tower Hill Passes & Annual Docent-led Tour


As a member, you can benefit from free passes to Tower Hill. Two adult passes are available to each member throughout the year. In addition, the group is offered an annual docent tour of Tower Hill Botanic Gardens, with highlights of the blooming flowers/plants.

Member Only Events 

Additional benefits of membership include access to member-only events. Throughout the year, the club hosts various trips, luncheons, seasonal potlucks, dessert socials, lectures, and short area walks/hikes, and workshops designed to meet the interests of members. Throughout the Spring, Summer and early Fall months, we host Member Garden Tours where members get to tour the gardens of other members.

Interested in Joining?

To join, fill out this form and send a $20 check to:

Maynard Community Gardeners

P.O. Box 522

Maynard, MA 01754

Club Roles

Chairs and Open Chairs

President: Andrea Vana

Treasurer: Daniel Stuart 

Secretary: Dorothy MacKeen

Programs Co-Chairs: Jenna Dargie and OPEN

Buckets: Deb Hledilk

Membership: Sally Sweitzer

Hospitality: Deb Bishop

Publicity: OPEN

Plant Sale Co-Chairs- OPEN

Newsletter & Membership Database: Allison Clements

Maintenance Subcommittee:

Description of Responsibilities

President: The President will facilitate club decision making regarding planning and spending by chairing and moderating planning meetings. The President will oversee long-range planning and budget decisions. The President will act as a coordinator and facilitator for the committee chairs, advocate of club activities, and public spokesperson for the club. The President will focus on the big picture as defined by the mission statement in order to guide the MCG towards functioning as a group.

Treasurer: The Treasurer maintains the club checkbook and balances the monthly bank statements. They are responsible for receiving and depositing all club checks and cash, and for paying all of the club’s expenses. Membership dues and club bills are received through PO Box 522 at the Maynard Post Office. The Treasurer tracks other transactions at Club Events (Annual Plant Sale, Farmers Market, Maynard Fest, etc) for collection and deposit. The Treasurer should regularly check the PO Box for payments and bills. Receipt of member dues must be communicated to the President and Membership database/newsletter coordinator. Payments for program presenters usually go to the Program Chair for direct delivery to the speaker on the day of the event. Reimbursements for hospitality, maintenance, bucket and other expenses are usually sent out by mail. A form is available for members to fill out and attach receipts for reimbursements. A financial summary is presented by the treasurer at each monthly board meeting. Any club mail received at the PO Box is reviewed at the Monthly Planning Meeting.

Secretary: Takes meeting minutes from our monthly board meeting and distribute them to meeting participants for feedback and edits. Post to the website. If unable to attend a board meeting, is responsible for finding an alternative notetaker.

Program Chairs: The Program Chairs are responsible for finding experts on a variety of gardening topics to give lectures, workshops or demonstrations for MCG members and sometimes the public. They will also research gardens or other interesting places to visit. Once potential program opportunities have been identified, the events are scheduled with the speakers and a location for the program is identified and booked.  The Program chairs then coordinate with the Publicity Chair to advertise the event. The Hospitality Chair is contacted to provide refreshments as necessary.

Buckets and Planters: In the Springtime the buckets chair will enlist  volunteers for sidewalk buckets throughout downtown Maynard, gateway (town signs) and stone planters, vacation waterers. The chair will list, organize, and match up volunteers to bucket locations. Chair will coordinate with DPW in distributing buckets, filling with compost and collecting seasonally.  In the summer and fall months, the chair will oversee maintenance of buckets, watering and deadheading and provide reimbursement forms for plants.

Membership: The Membership Chair is included in the correspondence related to membership, for example when new members join the club. Upon receipt of dues, the Membership Chair is responsible for reaching out to new members to inform them that they will be receiving detailed information from Membership Database Chair, providing a description of membership benefits and communications. Provide pertinent information to new members, including upcoming events. The Membership Chair is the point of contact for new members who have questions about club membership, upcoming programs, benefits, etc. Recruitment of new members and retention of current members. Brainstorming new ways to reach community members about membership. Finding ways to promote membership throughout the year. When available, attend tabling events to recruit new members. Manage membership related issues that come up throughout the year. Coordinate with Membership Database Chair about the status of the database and overall membership trends. Improve means of collecting dues, new and renewals. Attendance at Monthly Planning Meetings, first Thursday of the month at 7pm over Zoom. The membership chair is not required to attend all meetings, however for meetings they are unable to attend they should provide updates to the President to relay to the larger group.

Hospitality: The Hospitality chair provides food, beverages, and paper products for MCG events. Refreshments are typically solicited from our members. On most occasions, either homemade baked goods or crackers/cheese plates are offered as well as beverages and store bought items as needed. 

Publicity: The publicity chair is responsible for publicizing both member only and public events. The position entails creating Evites for member events, maintaining the guest list, and corresponding with guests. For public events, the publicity chair is responsible for identifying new ways to reach the larger community through social media and print and publicizing events accordingly. The publicity chair is responsible for maintaining the "Friends of the Maynard Community Gardeners" open group on Facebook and ensuring that the website is up to date with the upcoming events.

Plant Sale Co-chairs:

-Chairs are responsible for coordination of monthly meetings for the few months leading up to the sale. Responsible for obtaining permit for the day of the sale, purchasing annuals for the sale, researching and determining potting site as well as the site for the sale.

-Coordination of  volunteers for various tasks such as set up and break down of the potting site, digging donated plants at member and non-member gardens, watering of donated plants at potting site, pricing of plants, moving plants to the plant sale site the night before the sale, set up and clean up of sale site, etc.

-Communication with publicity chair around advertising  (i.e. updating flyer, posting in various locations around town, press release for the Beacon Villager and Action Unlimited)

Maintenance- The following properties are maintained by MCG: 

  • Maplebrook Park – Corner of Maple, Brooks, and Summer Streets

  • Traffic Triangle – Downtown traffic island at Nason and Main Streets

  • Alleyway Garden – between old CVS Building and Maynard Outdoor Store

  • Fire Station Garden – in front of old fire station at intersection of Rte. 27

  • Maynard welcome signs on each town border (five)

An ongoing committee/team of at least three to five members who can meet and problem-solve on a regular basis (every four to six weeks) will help to organize the overall maintenance needs of the above properties to which the Maynard Community Gardeners have historically committed. All levels of gardening experience and expertise are welcome on this team. In addition to monitoring and caring for the plantings and their needs, the team will make decisions with regard to new plantings, pruning, soil requirements, management of invasives and climate-related or other challenges. To accomplish these tasks the team will also interface with the DPW around provision of water and removal of yard waste, as well as to organize volunteers as needed at the various properties.


Interested in Joining?

To join, fill out this form and send a $20 check to:

Maynard Community Gardeners

P.O. Box 522

Maynard, MA 01754